Although we technically shot the Skate Deck ETT in December, we launched the limited edition Skate Deck snowboard in January in a small run. Two weeks later, it was sold out!
2. Launch New Models - Disruptor 2
In February, we began launching new models. We dropped the Disruptor 2 early in the year. It is currently sold out, and the new Disruptor 2 just hit the site!
3. March Yup.
In March, we saw the first shipments of the Yup. Based off of and inspired by shape shifter ETT, this tapered all-mountain board is sick.
4. Baldface Lodge
Our first destination subscription kicked off at Baldface Lodge last March. The trip sold out in a few weeks and it snowed every day we were there. There was good food, new friends and tons of powder to be had for the entire time we were there!
5. The Launch
The future Dons of snowboarding show casing their mind melting skill and creativity. This year at Snow Summit, Jack Herald made Signal proud by sending off the Bear Mountain built features with style and ease. A soft spring day with blue bird sky’s made for a classic Southern California session.
6. Super Park
The holy grail, nothing compares to the terrain Super Park has to offer at the end of every season. The Signal team from near and far came to hot lap mammoth unbound with the homies, sending off the biggest features built in the country. It was a week of dropping hammers in the park, hot spring aprés, lakanuki karaoke, parking lot grilling and laughs with friends that we hadn’t seen in too long.
7. Signal Factory closes
After 10 years we officially close our factory doors. Some may find this to be sad, but the truth is we couldn’t be happier. We’ve enjoyed our time in the factory, we leanred a ton and now we have two great partnerships with factories and are designing and creating as much as ever.
8. Good Wood
The Disruptor 2 won Transworld’s Good Wood Award in August and it was one hell of an achievement. We’re so stoked on the work we put into making this board as epic on snow as it could be, and we are glad the TWS Good Wood snow testers felt the same!
9. Neev Jumps in Barney Lake
September doesn’t mean you cant stand sideways. One of our own, Neev Zaiet, took advantage of the insane amount of snow still left in Mammoth Lakes surrounding areas and did some extreme riding that included ollieing into a lake late that afternoon!
10. Split in Backcountry Magazine
Signal’s splitboard got a nod and cool review in Backcountry Magazine, which is definitely something to be proud of!
11. Mammoth Opening Day
The Signal crew got together to celebrate the new season and our new seasonal headquarters up at Mammoth Mountain on Opening Day. The entire team, including some subscribers, took hot laps all weekend and enjoyed the epic snow that Mammoth had to offer!
12. Baldface 2.
Finally, the Baldface December trip closed out the year 2017 for us. A full crew of rippers got together up at Baldface for three days enjoying the snow before the holidays.