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Split Decision

Splitboards are for a specific type of snowboader. One that looks forward to a day with no lift lines or lodge burgers. Rather, they find stoke and excitement in the adventure of heading out into the backcountry on a quest for no tracks, zero crowds, plenty of snow and that perfect pitch as a serene and beautiful day calls you out and up the moutain side. It’s usually a day mission accompanied by a pack filled with water, treats, a shovel, probe and other goodies one likes to bring along. You should always have an avalanche beacon and a buddy as well if you’re heading into some deeper territories. *important note - please make sure you and your buddy know how to use a beacon, probe and shovel or it's useless. When your adventure begins this is the board you want to break in two! Pull it apart and you have trek skis. Split bindings are meant to swivel from trek ski mode to snowboard mode. You’ll need skins that cover the bottom so you can cruise up hill without slipping and collapsable poles to give you leverage and something to dig into as you head up to your spot. Once you’ve found your spot, you simply snap everything back together and you’re off and shredding. 

If interested in learning more about Splitboarding hit us up through our Live Chat, FB messages, phone or email and we’d be happy to answer any questions you have. If you are already familiar, and are looking at our split board, check out this review on to give you perspective from another source. This is a great opportunity at $55/monthly to get set up and out on your first backcountry adventure!


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