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Disruptor 2 wins TWSnow “Good Wood”

If You’re Looking For Wood, Signal’s Is Good!

Every year TWSnow tests hundreds of snowboards for a fresh season review of what they feel is the best snowboard in a category or “Good Wood Award” for upcoming snow season. To our delight the Disruptor 2 has won! 


What is Good Wood? It’s a comprehensive test with riders of all levels and styles. The data is collected from countless runs throughout a weekend and the choices are made. In their words it goes down like this - “With the top-notch crop of talent, knowledge, and personality that comprise TransWorld’s staff and testers, it’s a crazy marathon of sessions and hot laps that last sunrise to sunset with just enough time for hot tub beers before bed. After all the comments and rankings are in, we have the data to determine which boards get the stamp of approval. In short, know that if it’s in here, the wood is good.”


Snow is starting is starting to fall and the weekend is here. If you’re in the mood and market for a new snowboard we have you covered! The Disruptor 2 is an all-mountain killer. A more medium flex, true twin, this has become our personal favorite of many of our sponsored riders out there. Here’s a quick link to get you into a Disruptor 2 for $45/monthly. We’d love to have you on board this season. A fun and easy way to become part of our large and very cool community of subscribers.


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